with a nice game of BingoĮven the bingo halls have in Utah have found a loop hole. The two store owners both reported that a very large percentage of lottery sales went to drivers of cars sporting Utah license plates. This does not keep Utah residents from buying that weekly ticket however, actually it seems that Utah is really missing the boat here, Gambling Magazine reports that residents of Utah spend more than 6Million dollars annually on Idaho’s lottery, in fact, the two largest sellers of lotto tickets in Idaho are stores located on the Utah-Idaho border. Utah State Lottery?Īctually, no, the state of Utah does not have its own lottery. According to an article written in the Salt Lake Tribune, there are plenty of underground illegal poker games happening everyday in Utah as well, we won’t however go into that here.In addition to brick and mortar poker rooms, and underground home games for big money, Utah also has its fair share of online gamblers. Until recently there were three, The Big SLC formerly located in Sandy was closed down by city officials, however they claim they will be back in business elsewhere soon. There are at least two known poker rooms available in the state of Utah, including Club Full House, located in Layton, and The Flop House located in Orem. Utah is not what you’d call a gambling friendly state however there is gambling available if you look for it. Betting on sports futures, props and lay bets.